Attention all Certified Clients the PRO-11 has been updated. Please download the revised Suspension or Withdrawal of Registration Certificates document at the “Registration Document Download” page.
Attention all Certified Clients the F-3tc has been updated. Please download the revised terms and conditions at the “Registration Document Download” link.
ATTENTION PJR CLIENTS: the PRO-3 (Use of Logos & Symbols) has been updated to reflect changes in the proper use of the JAB logo. Please click this link to read the revised document and familiarize yourself with the changes.
ATTENTION PJR CLIENTS: the F-3tc (Terms & Conditions) has been updated to include clause 6.4.1 regarding addition of time by auditors in IATF audits to process NCRs through CARA. Please click this link to read the revised document and familiarize yourself with the new clause.
Attention all PJR Clients: our PRO-3 (Procedure for Publicizing Certification), PRO-9 (Complaint Procedure) and PRO-11 (Suspension or Withdrawal of Registration Certificate) documents have been updated to include requirements for R2V3. They can be found in the Registration Document Downloads as well as in the Clients Only portion of
Attention all Certified Clients the F-3tc has been updated. Please download the revised terms and conditions at “Registration Document Download” link or via the Clients Only Site. The update is on 10.12 Legal Compliance, point 7 for FSSC Certified Customers.
Attention all current PJR clients: Our Publicizing/Advertising and Use of PJR Logo Procedures (PRO-3) have been updated! Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the updates and keep a copy on hand CLICK HERE.
IATF 16949 has been released! The revised standard was released on October 4, 2016 and can be purchased at! For more information on the IATF 16949 go to
AS9100D has been released! The newly revised standard is available for purchase and download at!
All Certified Clients – The PRO-3 has been revised as of 5/26/2016. Please visit our Clients Only site to download version 13.1 and discontinue using any older versions. Thank you!
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) released the RC14001:2015 Technical Specification in September 2015. While no new requirements have been added to the Responsible Care “box” portions, several changes have been made to correlate with revisions made to ISO 14001:2015. The RC14001:2015 Technical Specification transition timeline requirements are aligned with the ISO 14001:2015 timeline, which began on September 15, 2015. The deadline for transition is September 14, 2018.
All Certified Clients – The PRO-3 has been updated as of 2/4/2016 to version 12.8 to include updated information on FSSC Logo Specifications. Please log in to “Clients Only” from our website to download the new version.
*RNA Worldwide, LLC had their R2 certification withdrawn on December 4, 2015. They have been notified to cease advertising R2 certification but have failed to do so. They are currently certified for ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 only.*
On March 13, 2015 Mextek, LLC’s certificate of registration for the R2 standard, as well as the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards was withdrawn by Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc. Yet they continue to advertise that they are R2 certified and endorsed by PJR, SERI and ANAB despite legal letters sent from PJR and their attorney’s office which is a violation of accreditation, certification and stakeholder rules. They are not a certified company for any of the three standards mentioned.
The F-3tc Terms and Conditions has been updated as of October 1, 2015. All registered clients may go to the Clients Only site to download the latest revision!
In the World Standards Review, Summer 2015 Issue a stock photo appeared on the page with the Client Spotlight: AIM ecycling, LLC article. This photo depicted poorly palletized CRT devices in the open air. This photo in no way reflects conditions at AIM ecycling and was used to demonstrate the need for AIM and other like companies that have become R2 certified. Our sincerest apologies if another conclusion had been drawn as a result of this photo. Thank you.
Breaking News! The official ISO 9001:2015 revision has been published by the International Organization for Standardization. Please note that today the transition period commences. In order to retain your organization’s ISO 9001 certified status, compliance to the new standard must be achieved by September 2018. So what is new? How do you comply with it? Perry Johnson Registrars will be hosting free seminars and web training to assist your organization during this transition! Contact us for more information!
ISO 14001:2015 has been released! The new revision was officially made available on September 15, 2015!
FDIS 14001:2015 PUBLISHED! The revision of ISO 14001:2015 has reached its approval stage and the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) has been published. This is the final stage before the official release of the standard in September 2015. Since there are only minor changes allowed at this point of the revision process, organizations can use the FDIS as a base for their transition. Organizations, however, are not allowed to register for the standard until it is released.
All Certified Clients – The PRO-3 document has been updated to revision 12.5. You may access the document through the Clients Only site or request a copy from your scheduler. The changes to the PRO-3 are regarding the change to the ANAB logo and its usage.
All Certified Clients – The PRO-3 document has been updated to revision 12.4. You may access the document through the Clients Only site or request a copy from your scheduler. The changes to the PRO-3 are regarding R2 certificate issuance, SERI Licensing Agreement and R2 Logo Usage.
All Certified Clients – The PJR PRO-3 Procedure for Publicizing/Advertising Certification and Use of Certification Marks/Logos has been updated as of June 25, 2014. Please download the latest revision (12.3) from the PJR Clients Only site.
All Certified Clients – The PJR PRO-3 Procedure for Publicizing/Advertising Certification and Use of Certification Marks/Logos has been updated as of May 5, 2014. Please download the latest revision (12.2) from the PJR Clients Only site.
All Certified Clients – The PJR PRO-3 Procedure for Publicizing/ Advertising Certification and Use of Certification Marks/Logos has been updated as of February 3, 2014. Please download the latest revision (12.1) from the PJR Clients Only site. This revision clarifies usage of the FSSC logo and an addition to 12.0 Appendix B (legal documents on which logos cannot be used).
PJR is pleased to announce their new program to link logos on the client list for all certified clients. If your organization wishes to link their logo please download, complete and return this Form.