ISO 37001
Among the newest of the ISO family of standards, ISO 37001 is a global standard for Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS.)
In the ever changing world of business and commerce, the need for trust and honesty has never been more paramount. Companies that establish an ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System are taking an important step in showing their commitment to business ethics and fairness in all dealings. Registration to ISO 37001 requires a host of internal controls including a transparent hiring process, promotion of anti-bribery awareness, controls on outside associates, and effective controls for responding to incidents of bribery. Any organization tasked with business dealings in industries or regions with a reputation (warranted or not) for bribery would benefit greatly from achieving ISO 37001 certification.
Contact us to discuss how to become certified with a project manager!
For more information on ISO 37001, contact PJR today at
+44 (0) 2033 071986 or send a request to [email protected] for a Project Manager in your area!