Reuse & Recycling — Why Consider R2?

Have you thought about what happens to your old cell phone, television set, or computer after you have thrown it away or donated it to a vendor that collects materials for free? If you are the management representative for an electronics manufacturer, research laboratory, or waste management/recycling business, have you thought about the effects that electronics might have on the environment if they are disposed of improperly?

The United States now dumps between 300-400 million electronic items per year – and they all have to go somewhere. Many are sent to landfills or exported to countries such as India or Nigeria with the expectation of being recycled. However, an unfortunate percentage is processed improperly and left to pose a hazard to local people and environments. Globally, this enormous e-waste problem has a potentially disastrous future, especially as computer and cell phone use continues to grow throughout the world. There also continue to be reported instances of data security breaches or mishandling of personal information. Technical knowledge and robust sanitization protocols are required in order to thoroughly and effectively prevent the accessing or recovery of personal data.

As consumers and corporations become increasingly conscious and concerned about recycling, protecting the environment, and data security, an industry standard for addressing the challenges of electronics recycling is crucial. The Reuse & Recycling (R2) Standard, now in its third version, was developed by a group of recycling stakeholders and industry experts. A set of voluntary principles and guidelines designed to promote and assess responsible practices for electronics recyclers, R2v3 requires implementing a management system which is accountable for practices affecting worker health and safety, data security, the environment, and the downstream management of end-of-life electronic material and equipment, both domestically and internationally. It encompasses rather than replaces the legal obligations of electronics recyclers. The standard prioritizes reuse over recovery or disposal processes in a global effort to minimize electronic waste streams, and promotes standardized testing and grading protocols for consistency across the industry.

As a change from the previous version of R2, R2v3 increases emphasis on protecting consumer data through stronger security controls, strengthens requirements to protect materials flowing through downstream vendors, and clarifies requirements and expectations. R2v3 recognizes that there can be more than one effective way to achieve a successful result and thus focuses on outcomes rather than prescribing a specific procedure.

Key benefits of R2v3 certification and implementation include:

  • Promotes safe and effective reuse and recovery of electronic equipment and components
  • Emphasizes data security and the appropriate management of personal data
  • Provides a template for standardized labelling, testing protocols, and grading of both functionality and cosmetic condition of used electronics with reuse potential or a verified resale market
  • Accountability and downstream control of the recycling chain
  • Minimized environmental and public health risks
  • Demonstrates compliance with domestic and international laws
  • Minimizes liability and encourages reduced insurance costs for recyclers
  • Assists original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) with due diligence for their end-of-life electronics
  • Instills public confidence through certified third-party review

R2v3 is not only straightforward for people, but for the environment. Learn more about how certification to R2v3 can help streamline your processes and enhance your reputation – reach out to PJR today!

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